UX/UI Design
Student Fitness Coordinator

Project Problem
How can we help students who want to establish a fitness routine overcome the obstacles that prevent them from doing so?
Project Overview
Despite the overwhelming evidence proving that proper fitness habits benefit students, fitness tends to end up on the cutting-room floor.
Students are constantly juggling many commitments. In a lifestyle filled with conflicting priorities -assignments, commutes, and jobs.
The goal of this project was to develop an app that helped users tackle these problems and help students approach fitness by connecting and coordinating their fitness with their friends.
Responsibilities content_paste
Adam Borthwick, Liang Chen, Yiwen Sun, Kannan Gnanasegaram.
My main responsibilities:
Research and problem iteration, style tiles and moodboards organizing and creation of process documents, user journey maps, low-fidelity mockups, high fidelity mockups.
Constraints & Context schedule
The main constraints for this project were budget and time.
The project was a course project for a Master’s level Fundamentals of UX course at University of Toronto.

Users & Audience group
For this project our team focused on students as part of the requirements of the project. Specifically we looked at individuals who were struggling to maintain regular trips to the gym.
Our research and product were aimed to break down barriers that prevented users from going to the gym so we looked for individuals who rated them low on a personal fitness self assessment.
Research Questions
- What barriers hold people back from going to the gym consistently for the first time?
- How do students respond to these barriers?
- How has interactive technology been utilized to foster a more inclusive gym culture, helping students feel comfortable regardless of fitness level or experience?
Primary Research
After completing background research into our key competitors our team generated inclusion criteria and questions for interviews with participants in our user group.
Inclusion Criteria
- Individuals must be or recently have been students (<5 years)
- Individuals must not currently have an active lifestyle (<=2 out of 5 on active lifestyle self-assessment.)
- Individuals must not go to the gym on a regular basis (<4 times a month)
Interview Information
- In total 8 participants were interviewed
- Average interview duration: 19.5 minutes
- Participants names were encoded to ensure privacy
- Average fitness self assessment = 2 out of 5 on the active lifestyle self assessment

Summary of Findings

Problem Definition

User Journeys
For this assignment I completed two separate user journeys the first (As-Is) aimed to address what a typical user goes through when attempting to go out for a fitness event.
The second user journey map (To-Be) is built to envision how this product aims solves the issues with the As-Is user journey flow.
Addressing the challenge of efficient learning resource organization and skill development, UpSkill emerges as a valuable solution within the skill tracker marketspace. This platform caters to the diverse needs of students and lifelong learners by providing a seamless way to track progress, set goals, and connect with a community of like-minded individuals.
UpSkill offers an intuitive interface that keeps users organized and motivated, with a personalized timeline to reflect on their journey and measure improvement. The focus of UpSkill lies in enhancing the learning experience and offering a curated selection of recommended resources to facilitate continuous growth.
Emphasizing user autonomy, UpSkill empowers individuals to organize their learning in a way that best suits their preferences. UpSkill creates an environment conducive to collaborative and enriching learning experiences. Through its features and user-centric approach, UpSkill aims to transform the way people learn and develop skills, providing a comprehensive and supportive platform for lifelong learning.

For this phase we worked on developing our understanding of our user base into a product that would actually be used by that specific user base which would later evolve into FitSync.

Big Ideas
A social-based platform that can match people that have the same concerns about going to the gym
easily create workouts with classmates.
A calendar app dedicated to planning workouts with friends.
Rewards for completing fitness actvities.

Iteration & Refinement
Now that our team had a solid concept of the functionality of the features we wanted to include within our product we wanted to better address how these ideas would fit together and generate mockups of what our product could look like.

User flow of someone using the planned prototype to create a group to workout with.

Low Fidelity Mockups

The calendar section mockup which users use to edit their availability which workouts are scheduled into.

The home page of the FitSync app which workouts are placed into once they're confirmed.

The profile section of FitSync, which users return back to when viewing their schedule.

The workout section which users see when viewing the home screen without clicking on a workout.

Adding friends into a group when you don't have groups. We used overlays like this frequently within the mockups.
User Testing & Feedback
We conducted a series of user tests in an attempt to receive critical feedback for the platform. Our team tested with 4 different individuals.
Additionally we received critical feedback from our professors and in-industry professionals with UX design experience.
“This feels a little complicated"
Honed down project to focus on minimum viable product functionality.
“This feels cramped."
Focused on introducing negative space and improved padding/margins on elements.
“I can't find the calendar section"
Removed the calendar section from under the profile tab and instead added it to the home bar
“I'm a little confused by the terminology ‘confirmed' and what you mean by that"
Renamed the home page to workout section to make it more clear where workouts appear and introduced a better system for tracking whether workouts are completed vs confirmed.
Style Tile
Final Design
We settled on the idea of FitSync as a means to simplify the process of planning and organization of fitness events.
We found in our research that students have a hard time finding time for fitness - school and social responsibilities get in the way.
We wanted to create an app that generated a sense of community and helped users get track with their friends fitness schedules.
FitSync recommends fitness events based on when friends are available in order to get your friends to sync up with their schedules.
View The Figma Prototype
Main calendar section for the app users can add and edit their availability and view when their friends are available.

Users viewing a workout after its created, users can see when its occurring and details related to the workout.

Main profile section of the app users can view different activities they recently did as well as stats within the app.

User creating a workout which automatically recommends and suggests times that are available for the workout.

User viewing their friends page. here they can create groups which can be used to create workouts from.

Menu section on the calendar section which users can add other peoples schedules into the calendar with.